History behind Ghost Road
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About Ghost Road
Ghost road was originally deemed the Missisauga Trail since Port Perry was deemed a township. People
knew the Island Road by this name until there were reported sightings of the "light phenomenon" and soon became known as the local legend "GHOST ROAD"
On the weekends up to 50 cars will be parked on the road and the strange light occurences can be seen almost 15 times in 2 hours.

Alternate Story
Back in the eighteen hundreds a farmer was attending to his cows before retiring to bed. As he carried his lamp to the back of the field he heard yelling and then a gunshot. The man felt a sudden pain in his back and he fell dead to the ground . Some say the shot was from a feuding neighbour and he buried the farmer by the rock and this may be the reason that you can see the farmer walking the field at night and why people who sit on the rock are prone to becomming very ill or violently thrown.